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arclab software GdbR
Hermann-Köhl-Str. 2a
D-93049 Regensburg
Internet: www.arclab.com
Fax: +49 (0)941 - 2802883

What can the program PACKAGER MK1 do for me ?

Packager MK1 is a utility which makes it easy to split one or more large files into packages. This enables you to transport large files on disk (floppy disk, hard disk, Zip-Drive). You can also restore archives, repair archives and create selfextracting archives. The program supports disk formats like 2.88 MB, 1.44 MB, 1.2 MB, Iomega Zip 100 or user defined formats. With Packager MK1 you specify the size of each archive to transport files, for example, downloaded from the internet or to attach it to an email.


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